Worksheet of Active & Passive Voice : Past Indefinite Tense (With Answers)

    In this article, we shall discuss how to change an active voice verb (based on simple past tense) to passive voice.

    But, before directly going to the above topic let's discuss how we can transform an active voice (of simple past tense) to a passive voice (of simple past tense).

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    The structure active voice sentence based on present indefinite or simple past tense- 

Subject + Past (V2) form of verb + object + remaining.

But, when it is changed into passive voice the structure transforms into -

Object (of active voice sentence) + was/were (according to subject of this sentence (in this case it is according to object of active voice sentence) + Past Participle (V3 form) form of the principle verb + by/at/... + subject (of active voice sentence) + remaining 

E.g. - Sentence of active voice - He saw me. (Note: In this sentence 'He' is the subject and 'me' is the object)

When we change it into passive, it becomes - I was seen by him. (Note: In this sentence 'I' is the subject and 'him' is the object.)

Now, let's practice some voice change:

Change the voice of the following verbs/sentence:

1. I saw a bird.

2. He did the sum.

3. My teacher punished me yesterday.

4. He sold his valuable property.

5. She called me when I was having my breakfast.

6. He secured a fair amount of marks in the examination.

7. Jack invited me to the party.

8. Someone stole my phone.

9. They laughed at the beggar.

10. He gave me a green pen.

Answers of the above questions:

1. A bird was seen by me.

2. The sum was done by him.

3. I was punished by my teacher yesterday.

4. His valuable property was sold (by him).

5. I was called by her when I was having my breakfast.

6.  A fair amount of marks was secured by him in the examination.

7. I was invited to the party by jack.

8. My phone was stolen.

9. The beggar was laughed at by them.

10. A green pen was given to me by him.

Or, I was given a green pen by him. (Note: In this case, there are two objects in the active voice, that's why we can change it in two ways - and we have shown you both ways)

  We hope that this article will be helpful for students and teachers and other learners. We have tried hard to make the post as accurate as possible. Please remember that there may still be some unintentional mistakes. We sincerely apologize for that. If you find so, please let us know by leaving a comment in the comment section below. Thank you for visiting - The Query Solver. Stay tuned for more worksheets on English grammar.

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